Taylorian 2020

36 A fter several weeks of uncertainty in February and March, the government announced the closure of schools in an attempt to control the epidemic. Merchant Taylors’ moved its teaching provision online, and students worked from home. A small number of students whose parents are key workers continued to attend school, supervised by teaching staff. Over the course of the spring and summer, students and teachers have become increasingly familiar with the technology required to teach lessons remotely. Some creativity has often been required: in Chemistry, students carried out experiments using kitchen materials; in MFL, students wrote letters to vulnerable people abroad; and in Art, students used household items to make their own paint. Both staff and pupils have responded to the challenge of learning in lockdown by demonstrating many of the school’s values, not least innovation and bravery. We will no doubt learn a lot from this technological approach to take into the coming years. Extracurricular pursuits have not been neglected. Students have carried out athletic activities and challenges in their gardens. A ‘Monologues’ competition for Drama sawmany creative entries.Members of the choir recorded arrangements of News News MTS goes virtual in response to COVID-19 The school site closed from 23rd March Anish Bharadwaj’s painting in the style of Patrick Morgan