Phab Week 2024

Every year in the Easter break, the staff and students of Merchant Taylors' School host PHAB week, a week of exciting activities for families in the local area with disabled children. James H-H (U6th) talks all about the amazing week that was had by all.
writes James H-H (U6th)
Tuesday 2nd April saw the team arrive at school, mentally prepared for the culmination of the year’s hard work. Day one saw our guests arrive in high spirits, excitable, and raring to go. An ultra-competitive ten pin bowling activity on day one worked as an ice breaker, and laughter ensued, allowing our inclusive family to bond seamlessly. Tuesday night saw a treasure hunt – which many would say to have been an eggstravaganza! – with the guests exploring the yolk of our school, we had a chance to share some of our experiences in seemingly empty corridors, that play host to so many fortunate individuals on a daily basis.

Day two commenced with a fantastic drama workshop, allowing us to embrace different characters, and perform as a team, united by a stage and individuality. We then were lucky enough to be visited by firemen, and – much to the amusement of the teachers – were hosed down by the fire engine! It seemed fitting that our next activity would be swimming, as we hurried into the warm embrace of our indoor swimming pool. To end a somewhat perfect day, we made our way to the lake, for a sunset campfire, and roasted marshmallows.
Day three saw another inclusive music charity - Electric Umbrella, provide an interactive musical gig for the Phab team and our guests. It soon became clear why the Electric Umbrella team has been a fan-favourite activity, and a somewhat integral part of the week for many years. Every guest had their own ‘gig’, performing a song with their hosts, and the audience reception for each individual was more than memorable. Our friends at RMS were able to visit, and we hosted a ’bingo night’ for the ages. Not to mention, some of the guests were fond of the ladies, and there is no doubt that the ‘Cassanova’ award was in contention

Friday was our final full day of excitement with the guests, and we were keen to make it count. We left school, and within thirty minutes, our guests had mounted horses, and were ready to gallop into the afternoon. No matter the disability, our guests all managed to ride horses, and I have no doubts that they would do the same again in a heartbeat. The afternoon allowed us to see some exotic animals from within reaching distance. I may not have been the biggest fan of the tarantula, but one of our guests was fearless, and held it without so much as a flinch. Our annual Phab week disco was the Friday night spectacular. The team and guests all dressed in animal costume, and we danced into the night, courtesy of DJ Rash, who was a part of the team in 2023.
Saturday. The Finale. Spirits remained as high as they had been on Tuesday, but the reality of finality dawned upon us. Our guests’ parents entered the Phabulous school grounds, for a breakfast and prize giving. We were all given the chance to share our experiences with our PHAB family, and show some appreciation to those who made it possible. For many of us, it was our last Phab Week, and I would like to extend a massive gratitude to Mrs Omert and Mrs Hazan for co-ordinating the week along with all the other MTS staff supporting our Phab endeavours. Phab Week is a tradition that extends for over half a century, and I speak for the whole team when I say, we are proud to be a part of that history.
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