Senior Geography Society Debates Taiwan Vs. China

This week at Senior Geography Society we had the second of our pupil led talks, and for this week we had U6th Panav G giving an insightful talk into the international relations between Taiwan and China.

He initially provided context to the rise of each territory and how the past leaders have affected political actions to this day. From this he talked about each territory's current economic, military and political state, really giving us a great lens into the different positions of China and Taiwan. He presented to us how the conflict between the territories arose initially and why it is still a prominent issue to this day.

After deliberation, the society came to the conclusion that it is likely China may invade Taiwan in the future. This was a really interesting talk as it links strongly to our A Level course on geopolitical conflict, specifically how and why these conflicts occur.

Thanks to Panav G for presenting.

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