24 Hours of Music

24 Hours of Music is an annual opportunity and excuse for the musically obsessed of school (Upper School, that is) to put aside their cares for the normality of a school day and trade this in for one of the most instrumentally diverse nights of their life. It is, however, more importantly an excuse to raise money for a charitable cause and have some world affecting good come from people’s musical talent.

HVP (Hindu-Vidyapeeth) Nepal-UK is a charity based off of the volunteering efforts of students from Cambridge, Durham and Oxford, with the purpose of providing education for children from all different financial backgrounds in Nepal. Last summer holiday some of the students at MTS took a trip to Nepal which involved not only mountainous hiking, but a visit to one of the schools set up by the charity. As they saw, the style of teaching embraces open-mindedness while giving the children a solid base from which they can pursue their chosen careers.

The charity is able to subsidise the cost of accommodation and teaching for children whose parents are unable to support their education, and this is where we come in. The money we will raise goes towards keeping these schools an open opportunity for children across the financial spread of families. It goes towards creating a future society made of tolerance and awareness for those from all walks of life. This is all a (relatively condensed, given how much good this organisation does) condensed way of trying to convince you that this cause is worthy of your support. If nothing else, please donate for the sake of those among the student body who are daft enough to play on through till dawn!

Let's make music! 

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