Senior Geography Society

In Senior Geography Society, today we welcomed OMT James Smyth. His presentation covered his life at Taylors' and how his current job as an ESG (environmental, social, and governance) manager at an investment firm linked to his studies in Geography.

writes Abdullah M (U6th)

He gave some amazing insights into what it takes to work in a position such as his and how firms are looking for various skills rather than just one degree in particular. Indeed, he believed that a degree in Economics was not necessary, as firms look for a range of experiences.

James covered the link between investment and sustainability, and discussed how his team have had to turn down managing some assets due to the stock not meeting sustainability criteria. His focus is on the sustainability of utilities and he writes investor-focused reports that interrogate how ESG issues might have a material impact on company earnings. Today, he told us how he was researching energy affordability, nuclear safety management and future proofing energy supplies in China. 

To finish, he opened the floor up to the aspiring geographers, which was a great chance for us to get some key advice for all stages of life, including school life, university life and work life. We are grateful for James for taking his time out and wish to see him soon again.

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