i/GCSE Results 2023

Exam Success at MTS

In the new context, in which assessments have returned to the pre-Covid levels and there has been a restriction in the highest grades, I am pleased to share that the school recorded a new high in A* GCSE grades.  67% of entries were awarded an 8 or 9 grade, representing an A*.

Pupils and parents were delighted to come into school and share their success with the teachers. All have come through with flying colours.

Headline Achievements for 2023 GCSE

Of 172 pupils in the year group:

  • 21 (12% of the cohort) students achieved A* in all subjects
  • 69 (40% of the cohort) students achieved eight or more A* grades
  • 53 (31% of the cohort) students achieved only A* or A grades
  • 120 (70% of the cohort) students achieved eight or more A*/A grades

I am pleased with these outcomes – they represent an excellent return on the hard work of both pupils and staff. They show that we continue to stretch the most able and find academic success, even in the challenging context of this year’s assessment.


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