Divisions Scientists Recognised By Imperial College

MTS pupils runners up in prestigious competition

Samay writes

We recently entered a bio-engineering competition hosted by Imperial College London, which was aimed at A-Level students across the UK. The competition came to our notice when we went to the Great Exhibition Road Festival at Imperial College London in June this year. Despite being Fourth Form students at the time, we decided to sign up for the challenge. We got to work on forming an idea which would solve a common problem, concerning the links between the cardiovascular and the nervous system. We chose to tackle stress – one of the 21st century’s most prominent problems – mainly due to the advent of social media and the world moving at an uncontrollably efficient pace. We engineered a devicethat uses sensory inputs to treat mild tachycardia (high heart rate) issues. We researched for each sense to reduce heart rate issues and modelled the best form of input for each sense to reduce heart rate, and CAD (Computer Aided Design modelled the device) with durable but lightweight materials.

After completing the poster, we submitted it and were delighted to receive the news that we were through to the final round! We had to deliver a pitch about our device which was judged by Imperial academics, and explain how it would be beneficial to the medical world. It was a fun experience listening to others’ ideas on the same challenge and comparing the solutions. It was thrilling for us to be notified after pitch day that we had finished runners-up. This was a great moment for us, seeing that the competition was tough with some excellent ideas from many different Sixth-Form colleges nationwide and the success has encouraged us to take this idea further. We look forward to developing the idea by creating a prototype in the future! Thank you to Mrs Stuteley for her support supervising us.

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