MTS Medics At Royal Society of Medicine
A busy term for the Upper Sixth aspiring medics
This term has been a busy one for the Upper Sixth aspiring medics as we embarked on a journey to prepare for the upcoming medicine interviews this academic year. We had two MMI (Mini Multiple Interview) practice sessions that took place in the Exam Hall. One was arranged by Dr Afrosa Ahmed, and the second was done in collaboration with the Royal Masonic School. The MMI stations involve about seven short sequential five-minute interviews with questions such as the infamous ‘Why Medicine?’. These stations were excellent preparation as they mimicked the pressure and timing of a real interview.
Another notable event was our trip to the Royal Society of Medicine in Central London on 22nd November. We were privileged to have been invited to take part in an interactive session led by Professor Gillian Leng. We were introduced to a myriad of interview structures, styles and questions as well as tips on how to prepare effectively with a tailored approach to different medical schools. Questions ranged from role play scenarios to data interpretation exercises and we were thrilled to have an opportunity to put our skills to the test and learn more about the medical field along with the challenges that doctors will have to face in their career. Furthermore, we were tested on our knowledge of medical news and ethics. It was interesting to learn about the importance of topics such as AI or climate change and the implications that these may have on healthcare. Overall, we are grateful to Mrs Stuteley and Mrs Rashid for arranging this unique and exciting experience that has served to enhance and focus our interview preparation.