Meet STEM Leaders at MTS Careers Fair

Tuesday 13th February will provide pupils and parents in the Divisions and above with an excellent opportunity to explore the exciting world of STEM careers at our first ever STEM Careers Fair, being organised jointly with RMS. 

Tuesday 13th February will provide pupils and parents in the Divisions and above with an excellent opportunity to explore the exciting world of STEM careers at our first ever STEM Careers Fair, being organised jointly with RMS. 

Many people working in government, academia and business see the STEM disciplines (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) as playing a pivotal role in shaping the future of the UK and global economy, fostering innovation that can be the engine of economic growth, deliver more cost effective healthcare and address climate change. We are delighted to be able to welcome a really exciting range of speakers and marketplace ‘exhibitors’ to our fair, all enthusiastic to inspire and help guide the next generation of STEM professionals. 

Our opening keynote speaker, Professor Peter Childs FREng, is the Professorial Lead in Engineering Design and was the founding Head of the Dyson School of Design Engineering at Imperial College London. He has a specialist interest in renewable energy technologies, such as solar and wind power and robotics. He is a co-director of the Energy Futures Lab, a global energy institute based at Imperial College London, and is involved in companies providing robotic technologies to make buildings more sustainable and repair and maintain wind turbines. We are delighted that he will be joining us to share a vision of what the future of engineering might look like. He will also be in the marketplace after his talk, with a Qbot called Kelvin! 

Data science is a dynamic and rapidly developing field, and its impact on jobs will continue to evolve with advancements in technology and resultant changes in the business landscape.  The demand for data scientists, data analysts and machine learning engineers has increased, and companies are increasingly seeking professionals with expertise in extracting insights from data to help executives and managers formulate strategies, identify market trends, and mitigate risks. The emergence of data-driven startups across many sectors, including fintech, healthtech, and edtech are disrupting traditional industries leading to increased demand for skills related to programming languages (such as Python and R), statistical analysis, machine learning, and big data technologies. We cannot wait to hear the Spotlight talk on data science careers (and how you can get relevant work experience) given by Rachel Keane from Digdata. 

As healthcare systems around the world experience major challenges due to increasing/aging populations, limited resources and the emergence of new diseases, such as COVID-19, artificial intelligence and machine learning has already been making significant strides in transforming UK healthcare, improving diagnostic accuracy of medical images and scans, accelerating drug discovery and development, unlocking increasingly personalised medicine and improving public health surveillance among other benefits.  Dr Matt Williams is a Consultant Clinical Oncologist at Charing Cross Hospital and leads the Computational Oncology group at Imperial College. He will give us an encouraging insight into how he sees AI transforming cancer medicine in his Spotlight talk. 

Although many people working in STEM careers have a directly related degree (and for some job roles this is essential), some do not.  Among our wide range of exhibitors, you will find people who studied Marketing & International Business (now marketing lifesaving products based on technology), German & Italian (now marketing technical software), and Geography (now a sustainability consultant).  Across the exhibitors you can discover how you can go on from a STEM degree into trading natural gas & oil, project management, finance and accounting roles, many types of engineering and construction disciplines, law and intellectual property, scientific research, sales and marketing, entrepreneurship, transport, logistics, environmental sustainability, product design, space and satellite technologies, pharmaceutical and healthcare research and development, pilot training, healthcare policy and scientific editing and publishing. 

Attending the fair is a fabulous opportunity to see how your academic learning can be translated into exciting and challenging job roles (many of which you may never have heard of) and gain a glimpse into a possible future pathway you never imagined. 

As all successful STEM careers are built on curiosity, I encourage all pupils attending to engage their most curious selves – ask questions, consider alternatives and allow yourself to be excited and inspired. 

Please book a ticket to attend using one of the links below, so we can send you more information about what to expect at the event or  

I and the rest of the careers teams at MTS and RMS look forward to seeing you on Tuesday. 

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