The Clubs and Societies Fund – supporting extra-curricular activities at MTS

Each year the Clubs and Societies Fund calls for applications from Clubs and Societies for new equipment or funding to assist in the launch of new initiatives. Applications can be for funding of up to £5,000 so there is scope for some exciting projects.

The Clubs and Societies Fund is supported through generous donations from OMTs, parents and friends to the Head Master’s Discretionary Fund. Last year, awards from the Fund enabled the Rowing and Kayak Clubs to expand their provision, the DJ Club was launched, and the House Lego Competition was able to purchase new bricks, to name just a few of the projects supported.

Calls for applications went out on 19 January from Hamish Stewart in the Development Office to Staff and the Fifth and Sixth Form and the deadline for applications is Friday 16 February. 

All that is required is a brief application to say what the project is, what the benefits are to the club/society and to the wider MTS community, and why it can’t be funded from elsewhere. Once these applications are received, a committee of pupils, staff, OMTs and parents will review them and decide which to fund for this academic year.

If you have any questions or require more information, please don’t hesitate to contact Hamish Stewart on

You can find an application form for funding here.

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